Samson documentary faces the dark issues of paralysis with dogs
Chandra Vandry
Chandra Vandry lives in Austin, Texas with her husband William and their 3 fur-babies, Samson, Delilah, and Eli. Chandra grew up mostly in Greeley, Colorado, but as a Navy brat and in the military herself, she lived everywhere from Guam to California and many places in between.

Samson Documentary
Chandra Vandry and her husband William, a couple from Austin Texas are researchers and own a non profit research foundation searching cures for Chronic pain diseases, Traumatic Brain injuries, Eye diseases, and PTSD. Samson documentary gives hope, and dealing with Canine paralysis. They are also filmmakers of the award winning documentary, Got pain?
Samson Documentary faces the dark issues of paralysis with dogs, and few solutions other than fusion surgery which does not reverse paralysis, main or euthanasia. William and Chandra Vandry faced a challenging issue with their own dog Samson, who had suffered from Canine ‘stroke’, or FCE (fibrocartilagenous embolism). The neurological Veterinarian report read a lesion was localized to the C1-T2 spinal cord segments related to Myelopathy, which is an injury to the spinal cord due to severe compression that may result from trauma, congenital stenosis, degenerative disease or disc herniation. Samson had stage five or full paralysis.
In the film, Chandra speaks about Pottingers cat study, animal nutrition, and cheaper grade dog foods regarding dog’s health. She also discusses how is FCE treated in Veterinary science.
Veterinarian neurologist’s diagnosis in the film discussion on Samson’s paralysis were not positive.
Ninety-six percent of recurrences developed within 3 years after surgery.
Samson film discusses Canine joint diseases history, and also giving hope to all pet owner’s with paralyzed dogs.